Leap of Faith

I recently did the Lake Eland Extreme Zip-line with some of my friends from Pietermaritzburg.

The zip-line is 1 100 meters long and reaches max speeds of up to 160km's per hour. All that is keeping you from falling hundreds of meters to an inevitable death is 2 cables and a harness that my hysterical brain was telling me would not have been out of place as a car's seat-belt.

We arrived early and waited for half an hour as we contemplated our life choices up to this point. Eventually we were all kitted up and ready to go.

While I wouldn't say that I have Acrophobia - an extreme fear of heights - as I looked out over the gorge that we would be flying through, breaking the national speed-limit in the process, it is fair to say that my stomach started churning and my legs turned to jelly.

It was at this point that I'm sure many of us were trying to think of any reasonable excuse that would get us out of this jump without seeming like a coward. One of the things that encouraged me though, was thinking of the hundreds of people who have done this zip-line before me and survived.

One by one we got hooked up to the line and took our leap of faith. It was one of the most exhilarating experiences I have ever encountered and I am so glad that we pushed through our initial fears and concerns and took the plunge.

This whole ordeal got me thinking of the moments that we encounter big, scary obstacles or challenges in our lives that seem daunting and often impossible to overcome.

We like to come up with any excuse to back out and not have to face them head on.

Perhaps we need to face our challenges head-on, take a leap of faith and trust in our God who never lets us down (excuse the pun) to carry us safely to the end of our journey.

Once I had taken that leap of faith and I could do nothing but ride the wind, I experienced exceptional feelings of ecstasy as I looked around at the beauty of God's creation and thanked God for the amazing gift of life that I am blessed with every single day.

The challenges ahead of us may seem daunting. The obstacles may seem terrifying. But if we are willing to take a leap of faith, the outcome might be exhilarating and we could experience God's beauty and power in ways we could never have imagined before.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)


  1. Beautifully put Joe and what a ride it was! Trust & let go :)

  2. Thank you for such excellent words of encouragement, God never said the road would be without obstacales, the choice always is to whom are we going to look to, to get us through them. My leap of faith is in JESUS. Thanks again for such wonderful encouragement.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. Amen to that! God Bless You

  3. Since we are surrounded by such a great crowd of saints who went before us let us with endurance do the zipline God has set before us! :) Was Paulie tall enough to do the ride?

    1. Haha love it Col! We gave Paulie high-heels to wear and he just made it ;)

  4. This landed in my inbox on the right day (although I am only commenting now) thank you! I'm taking a leap...


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