Are you going to church or watching TV?

Since the national lockdown was implemented in March because of the coronavirus pandemic, most churches in South Africa have been offering online ministry to their members. I am fully aware that the Church is not a building, but for the purpose of this blog post, I am specifically referring to church worship services. We have all become accustomed to a new way of going to church over the past several months. Many churches are offering online worship services that people can tune into via YouTube, Facebook or other streaming services. There are many benefits to having church services this way. I hope that churches will continue to utilise the internet to reach God's people in the future as well. But I also believe that by attending worship services online at our convenience, there is a danger of seeing our faith as something that is done for us, rather than something that we get to partake in ourselves. It is easy and comfortable to tune in to an online worship service at a ...