Lent 2 - The Rainbow

Genesis 9:12-17

The beautiful image of the rainbow may seem like a strange symbol to reflect on during the often solemn, penitent season of Lent. But there is a profound joy and hope that we can experience as we partake in the season of Lent.

In the story of Noah, after the great flood ravaged the Earth, God provided a sign of hope for future generations of God's followers.

The image of the rainbow is an important reminder that even during times of turmoil and despair, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is a sign of God's steadfast love which promises not destruction, but hope and reconstruction.

The story of the flood and the rainbow also reminds us that God invites us to partner with God and be agents of transformation in our world. As we rejoice in the rainbow, perhaps we can also be reminded to paint our own rainbows in the world.

Against all the evil you see in the world, against all the injustice and corruption you observe in our nation, dare to paint a rainbow!

Paint a rainbow over your town or your city, over your courthouses and your parliaments, over your farmlands and your poor, vulnerable communities.

Paint a rainbow of hope and joy over your families, workplaces and friends.

While Lent is certainly a time of introspection and repentance, there is much joy to be found in this season. 

There really is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is the golden treasure of God’s faithful, covenant love for the world. A love that brings hope for a brighter tomorrow and a better today. A love that lets us experience a deep down, profound, precious, holy joy. The type of joy that no enemy, or no pandemic, can ever take away from us.

Prayer: Creator God, who brings life out of death, joy out of sorrow, and hope out of fear. Thank you for your Covenant with us. We are proud to be Your people. Guide us as we try to be agents of transformation in this world. Help us to paint beautiful rainbows of hope and joy wherever we find ourselves. In the midst of our own struggles and pain, we rejoice in You and Your promises. Amen.

Image Source: Stainless Images


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