Lent 9 - The Transfiguration

Mark 9:2-9

There are certain times during our lives where we feel closer to God. Perhaps it is during certain seasons such as Christmas, Easter or even Lent. Perhaps it is at a certain time of the day, when we set time aside to pray or read our bibles.

It is great to have these special moments in our lives when we feel closer to God but unfortunately, we cannot stay there forever.

In our reading this morning, while on the mountain and overwhelmed by the experience of Jesus’ transfiguration, Peter wants to set up tents to prolong the experience that he was having. Peter was perhaps the first of many to try and make this sacred experience more permanent.

As much as we would like to, no-one gets to stay on the mountain forever. All of us that meet with God in special moments have to eventually return to the real world.

Often, the real world is not a nice place to be. There is much pain, heartbreak and evil waiting for us at the bottom of the mountain.

The good news of the Gospel story is that God is not only with us on the mountain, God is also with us in the valleys. God is not only with us in our special moments, God is also with us in the real world. God is not only with us in the joy of resurrection, God is also with us in the pain of crucifixion.

Methodist Minister and author, Trevor Hudson, claims that “the presence of God can be practised wherever we are and in whatever we are doing” (Signposts to Spirituality). The apostle Paul seems to echo this thought when he boldly declares that God is always near, for "in Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28).

It is good to set aside special moments to meet with God. But if we do not encounter God in the valleys, in everyday situations, we are unlikely to encounter God “on the mountaintop.”

Prayer: Holy Spirit of God, thank You that You are always with me, no matter where I go or what I do. Thank you for the special moments in my life where I am able to draw intimately nearer to You. Remind me that even when life is tough, You are still with me and I can still lean on You for guidance, strength and comfort. Amen.

Image Source: Leonie Lejon


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