Lent 22 - The famous verse


John 3:16-17

Today's scripture reading is arguable the most well known and quoted bible verse in recent history. Athletes have had this verse painted on their skin for big sports games. It is often put as bumper stickers on cars. Those of us who went to Sunday School will remember quoting it as a memory verse many times over: 

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

One of the problems with well-known verses such as this one is that they can lose their meaning. We know them so well that we do not stop to really think about what they are saying. 

There is a reason that this verse is so popular. The core of what we believe is summed up in these few words - this is the Gospel!

The God who created the world loves all of creation; the entire cosmos and humanity. God loves the world so much that God sent Jesus to show us the way and save us through his life, death and resurrection. If we learn to follow Jesus and live in relationship with Christ, we can experience abundant, eternal life.

Let us be reminded this morning of these valuable truths found in this well-known verse.

Prayer: God our Parent, thank You for Your love. Thank You that You sent Your Son to save us. Thank you that we are able to experience abundant, eternal life because of Your loving sacrifice. I commit my life to You now. May I share the love that You have shown towards me with the world. Amen.

Image Source: ebay


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